Category: Law Tips
What Laws Protect Against Religious Discrimination?
In California, the Fair Employment and Housing Act and the Title VII Federal Law prohibit employers from discriminating against their employees on account of their religion and religious beliefs. Employers are also legally required to make reasonable accommodations for their employees’ religious observances and religious practices. If you think your employer is targeting you because…
Importance of Hiring an Unpaid Wages Attorney
If you have a situation where your employer has not paid you or has paid you less than what you deserve, you may need to take legal action to recover the unpaid wages. However, complicated federal and state laws and regulations govern the payment of wages, and these laws are liable to change and evolve.…
Unpaid Wages: Why Do You Need a Lawyer?
State and federal regulations define the issues of wages. There can be a number of rules that govern the cases of unpaid wages or minimum wage issues. If you have issues related to unpaid wages then hiring a lawyer can be helpful for you. An unpaid wages attorney can help you if your employer hasn’t…