Few Reasons Victims of Sexual Harassment Avoid Coming Forward

December 27, 2021 Jackson Comments Off

Sexual harassment is way more common than you may assume. It can happen at all levels of hierarchy at workplaces. But it is not very often that victims come forward to file complaints or take legal action against the perpetrator. Here are a few reasons why this happens.

Fear of Retaliation

Anyone who sexually harasses another at work is usually at a position of power. A manager, the CEO, or perhaps someone from the board. Perpetrators know exactly what they did. They often threaten the victims to silence them. The threat can be in the form of firing or sullying their name.

Many victims choose to remain silent rather than go through with the trauma of retaliation by an employer. There is always this uncertainty about what the perpetrator might do.

What the victims may not know is that a good lawyer can help them with such situations. Use sexual harassment lawyer near me as your search keyword and you will find a list of lawyers and their websites. Check their profiles to see how they help sexual harassment victims. No sexual harassment victim needs to fear retaliation with a good lawyer by their side.

Lack of Proof

Well, seldom a victim will have any proof of sexual harassment they go through at the workplace. If there was a recording, the perpetrator might destroy it. If there was an item of clothing that could be used as evidence, the perpetrator might destroy it as well.

It may be so that victims may not be aware that there might be evidence. They may not want to come forward and file a case or complaint without proof. No one would want to be in such a situation.

If you are someone going through the same or similar situation, consult with a good lawyer to get clarity on the matter.

Use sexual harassment lawyer near me to find the right lawyer to help you. A good lawyer may help you find or gather the evidence you need. A good lawyer may be able to file a case without evidence.

Without proof, the victims often remain silent. This needn’t be the case.

Shame and Embarrassment

Sexual harassment victims are looked at differently. Some eye victims accusingly as if they might have played a part in it. Some may accuse victims of using the legal system to extract money. Many a times victims are blamed for framing someone at work to earn a payout.

Sexual harassment victims are often shamed even by family and friends. They may find it hard to face their co-workers. So, they often choose to remain silent to avoid getting blamed.

Fear of Losing Job

Fear of losing one’s job is real – even in normal circumstances. Imagine the fear a sexual harassment victim may experience over this situation. Oftentimes; the perpetrators fire the victims if they feel they might be in trouble. If they feel the victim might take legal action or tell someone about the harassment, they decide to fire the individual to prevent any problems for themselves.

Not everyone can afford to lose their jobs. People may not have adequate savings to tide them over until they find a new job. If the victims have kids or dependents, they may even be more afraid to lose their job. The good option is to remain silent. At least that is what the victim may think.

Instead; victims can hire a good sexual harassment lawyer to help them. A good lawyer, with experience in handling local cases of sexual harassment, may find legal ways to help you.

The keyword sexual harassment lawyer near me is a good way to find local lawyers.

Fear of Not Finding another Job

Victims may fear not finding another suitable job. It is difficult to hide information that you may have filed a case of sexual harassment against someone at your previous workplace.

New potential employers or hiring managers may judge the victims. What if the victim lied? What if the victim was not the victim? Would they invite trouble by hiring the person who has been a sexual harassment victim?

Victims often face such prejudices; making it difficult to find new employment. So, they remain silent.