How a Property Damage Lawyer Can Help with Charges

April 22, 2018 Jackson Comments Off

Has your property experienced damages that you feel you deserve to be compensated for? A property damage lawyer can help you press charges—and win your case.

When do you need a property damage lawyer?

Property damage is defined as any “injury to real or personal property through another’s negligence, willful destruction, or by some act of nature.” It is distinguished from personal injury, which refers to any injury to your person that is caused by another’s negligence or willful act, and focuses on the personal property you own (ie: your house, car, jewelry, or even wedding photos). For instance, let’s say a storm blew through your neighborhood, and the winds caused significant damage to the roof of your house. That would be considered property damage. Let’s also imagine your house is covered by insurance; however, for a reason you aren’t clear on, your insurance company refuses to cover the damages the storm caused to your personal property. A property damage lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve from your insurance company.

Let’s consider another scenario: your neighbor decides to cut down a tree that is on their property. They miscalculate, and the tree lands on your car and fence. Both of those are your personal property, and a property damage lawyer can help you with your charges to ensure you get the compensation you need to repair the damages.

One more scenario: you hire some contractors to do some renovation work on your home. You have a written and verbal agreement in place governing when that work will be completed and to what level of quality it will be completed (considering supplies, craftsmanship, etc.). The date of expected completion comes and goes. Still, the work has not been completed. Or it has been completed and the quality is not what you had expected. A property damage lawyer can help you with charges that take you up against companies that may have more legal know-how and pull than you do on your own. He or she can help you get compensation based on your rights.

These instances seem cut-and-dry; however, there are many cases where fault can be unclear or difficult to prove.

A property damage lawyer can also help you with your charges when fault or even the violation itself is unclear. Has your insurance company denied your claim based on a policy that is written into your agreement in an unclear way? A property damage lawyer can help. Is it unclear who was at fault when the tree fell on your car (perhaps uncertainty over who actually owns the tree has created a grey area that is threatening your case)? A property damage lawyer can help.

How is compensation determined?

When your personal property is damaged, you have a right to be compensated for your loss. The amount of compensation is based on certain factors, like evidence of the replacement value and the cost of repairs; however, a property damage lawyer can also help to ensure you get compensated for loss of use until it is repaired or replaced (this is a big deal when the damaged item is your primary transportation to work, for instance). You also need a property damage lawyer, however, when the personal property that has been lost is an heirloom or other personal item that has more sentimental than tangible value. For instance, what if the contractor you hire causes damage to your wedding photos as a result of negligence? A property damage lawyer will help you create a strong testimony to the weight of that sentimental value in order to help you present a strong case and receive fair compensation for your loss.

What do you need to do?

The first thing you need to do when you experience property damage is contact a property damage lawyer. Don’t delay. There are things you will need to start compiling right away to ensure you can present a strong case. This could include email records, voicemails, documentation, and time-sensitive information, as well as proper documentation of the incident and extent of loss or damage. A property damage lawyer will help you figure out where to begin. He or she will also let you know if you have a case that you will be able to win, and he or she will help you build that case. You’ll have a much better chance of winning your case, and you’ll have a lot more support throughout the process if you contact a property damage lawyer right away.