What Qualifies as Pregnancy Discrimination?

February 15, 2022 Jackson Comments Off

The employment law in California prohibits workplace discrimination of any kind, including pregnancy discrimination but many women employees still report experiencing unfair and illegal treatment in the workplace during their pregnancies. If you are in this kind of difficult situation and have been unable to resolve it through mediation, it is advisable to seek legal advice. An online search of “pregnancy discrimination lawyers Los Angeles” can point you towards a competent, experienced lawyer in your locality.

What qualifies as pregnancy discrimination?

Any unpleasant behavior by company executives, coworkers, and vendors that deliberately targets women employees for their pregnant status and makes them feel uncomfortable, harassed, or intimidated may qualify as pregnancy discrimination. It can include not receiving work assignments you are qualified to do, being passed over for well-deserved promotion, and not receiving reasonable accommodation for pregnancy-related issues and maternity leave. Often, such discriminatory behavior can have its roots in petty annoyances or resentment. It may be possible to end it with some straight talking. If that does not work out, there is always the legal option.

By consulting pregnancy discrimination lawyers Los Angeles-based women employees can get a better idea of their legal rights and what they can do to protect them.

What are some types of pregnancy discrimination?

Many women employees in Los Angeles, who are pregnant, have reported experiencing the following types of discrimination in the workplace:

• Being refused a job position
• Being dismissed from an existing job
• Being coerced to submit a resignation
• Being demoted for no valid reason
• Being told to go on involuntary leave
• Being denied a deserved promotion
• Being denied a salary raise
• Being asked to accept reduced pay
• Being given fewer work assignments
• Being excluded from training programs
• Being given unwarranted bad reviews
• Being criticized for resting or going home early
• Being accused of not doing their share of the work
• Being subjected to vulgar jokes, messages, and remarks

What are your legal rights in case of pregnancy discrimination?

After consulting pregnancy discrimination lawyers Los Angeles based women employees can get informed about the following California state employment laws and U.S. federal laws:

The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)

In California, the Fair Employment and Housing Act applies to employers having five or more employees. If you work for such an employer and are experiencing pregnancy discrimination, the FEHA has two provisions for protecting your rights:

• The California Governmental Code 12940 (a): This legal provision prohibits your employer from discriminating against you on account of your sex.

• The Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (PDLL): This legal provision entitles you to take unpaid leave for up to four months if you have become disabled due to pregnancy, childbirth complications, or related health issues.

California Family Rights Act (CFRA)

As per the California Family Rights Act, your employer is legally obliged to give you 12 weeks of leave annually for family care or medical treatment after you give birth. You can also avail of leave under the CFRA if you adopt or foster a child.

The 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA)

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act is a U.S. federal law that is an amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law prohibits your employer from discriminating against you over pregnancy, childbirth, and related health issues. The PDA requires your employer to provide you with fair treatment and allow you to return to your job after taking maternity leave.

The 1995 Federal Family Medical and Leave Act (FMLA)

The Federal Family Medical and Leave Act of 1995 allows you to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family or medical reasons. You can avail of the FMLA if you have given birth to a baby or have adopted or fostered a child.

When should you consult a pregnancy discrimination lawyer?

You may want to consult a pregnancy discrimination lawyer if civil mediation does not stop the workplace harassment against you. When you get legal assistance from pregnancy discrimination lawyers Los Angeles-based employers may realize that you are serious and stop the discrimination to avoid legal proceedings. If they ignore the legal warning, the lawyer can represent you in court and get you an appropriate trial settlement.