What You Should Do When You’re Racially Discriminated?

August 18, 2022 Jackson Comments Off

Racial discrimination is the prejudice many people have about other people based on their race and which may lead them to treat them with disrespect. While the employment laws in California and the rest of the United States prohibit racial discrimination, the unfortunate reality is that many employees still experience it in their workplace. If you face such a situation and the discrimination makes it difficult for you to work, you can contact racial discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles and get competent legal counsel.

What are some examples of racial discrimination in the workplace?

As one of the racial discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles will confirm, these types of workplace experiences can be due to racial discrimination:

• Being rejected for a job position for which you are well-qualified.

• Being on the receiving end of casual racial epithets and offensive race-based remarks.

• Being insulted, humiliated, and harassed with racial comments by co-workers, managers, and employers.

• Being offered a lower salary than other employees for doing the same type and level of work.

• Being turned down for a deserved job promotion.

• Being left out of meetings, training programs, and workplace social events.

What should you do when you are racially discriminated in the workplace?

Experiencing racial discrimination daily in the workplace can be very stressful and may make it difficult for you to perform to your full potential. However, given that the law is on your side, there is no need to put up with it. You can file a complaint with your company’s HR department, and if that doesn’t work, you can contact one of the racial discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles and find out about your legal options. Here are a few things to know:

• The stringent employment laws in California offer you various legal protections, including protection from racial discrimination.

• The law prohibits employers in California from discriminating against employees on racial basis or because of their association with people from other races.

• The race discrimination law in California offers legal protection to people of all races, not just those who suffered discrimination historically. That means, if you are Caucasian, you do not need to put up with reverse discrimination in the workplace.

• The Californian law also protects you from being discriminated against because you are perceived to belong to a specific race.

You can file a racial discrimination complaint against your employer with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing. The DFEH implements the Fair Employment and Housing Act that protects Californian employees from race-based discrimination. However, this Act only applies to employers who employ five or more employees annually.

You can also approach the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces the following federal laws against racial discrimination:

The Civil rights Act of 1964: It prohibits employers from discriminating against you on a racial basis.

The Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act of 2008: It prohibits employers from using your genetic information to make any employment-related decisions that affect you.

Additionally, you can file a lawsuit against your employer.